Jib: "Hey, look! Mom made me a blanket!"
Sailor: "Me, too!"
Zoe: "It's called a quilt. That's what she does upstairs."
Jib: "She makes quilts?"
Zoe: "Yes, whaddya think was happening?"
Jib: "She watches me sleep. And sits in a chair and drops thread on the floor."
Sailor: "And she gets up and turns around to re-make her bed and sits down again."
Zoe: "Nope, she was so-ing and doing hot things with a iron."
Sailor: "Are there pictures on your quilt?"
Jib: "Yes! I have boats and sails and oceans."
Sailor: "I have boats and sails and seagulls."
Zoe: "She made quilts so you won't ruffle her rug."
Sailor: "Really? Now I can dig my quilt into a bed?"
Zoe: "Yup."
Jib: "No more digging in the rug?"
Zoe: "Nope."
Sailor: "Do YOU have a quilt?"
Zoe: "Yes, in my dogloo. Mom made it a long time ago."
(long pause)
Sailor: "Doesn't smell like boats and sails to me."
Jib: "Me, neither. Smells like hands and cloth."
Sailor: "That's even better."
(sound of digging)
Jib: "Hey, it works!"
Sailor: "Mine! Dig your own quilt!"